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Life with Birds 3

2024年 05月 30日

中禅寺湖のオオワシ A Steller's sea eagle over Lake Chuzenji

A Steller's sea eagle that I saw on November 30, 2013 with my friends from the rugby club!
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中禅寺湖のオオワシ A Steller\'s sea eagle over Lake Chuzenji _f0105570_21244335.jpg

# by holi23 | 2024-05-30 17:20 | オオワシ | Trackback | Comments(0)
2024年 03月 17日

オオホシハジロも居るそうです。 Seems like a Canvasback is also there.

これも昨年と同じ個体かな? Is she also the same one as last year?
写真は昨年のものです。Today's photo was taken last year.
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オオホシハジロも居るそうです。 Seems like a Canvasback is also there._f0105570_17452947.jpg

# by holi23 | 2024-03-17 11:23 | オオホシハジロ | Trackback | Comments(0)
2024年 03月 16日

またヒメカモメ!? A little gull again!?

A photo on eBird. Today's photo was taken last year. Same one?

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またヒメカモメ!? A little gull again!?_f0105570_12195691.jpg

# by holi23 | 2024-03-16 12:02 | ヒメカモメ | Trackback | Comments(0)
2024年 03月 14日

ツバメ初認!  Barn swallows for the first time this year!


At least 4 swallows at the three-river junction of the Sagami River near my house. This photo was taken 4 years ago.

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ツバメ初認!  Barn swallows for the first time this year!_f0105570_21402191.jpg

# by holi23 | 2024-03-14 15:30 | ツバメ | Trackback | Comments(2)
2024年 02月 23日

ノハラツグミも居るみたい! A Fieldfare is also there.

ケアシノスリのポイントだそうです。Seems to be the point of the Rough-legged buzzard.
約11年前の撮影です。Photo about 11 years ago.
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ノハラツグミも居るみたい! A Fieldfare is also there._f0105570_21211428.jpg

# by holi23 | 2024-02-23 10:02 | ノハラツグミ | Trackback | Comments(0)