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Life with Birds 3

2022年 05月 20日

自宅前の相模川でセンダイムシクイ! Eastern crowned warbler at the Sagami river in front of my house

自宅そばでセンダイムシクイを確認したのは2003年5月5日以来2度目、19年ぶり。前回は声を聞いただけで写真撮影は初!This is the second time I have confirmed the Eastern Crowned Warbler near my home since May 5, 2003, and the first time in 19 years. Last time, I just heard its song and it is my first time to take a photo!
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自宅前の相模川でセンダイムシクイ! Eastern crowned warbler at the Sagami river in front of my house_f0105570_15325910.jpg

by holi23 | 2022-05-20 15:40 | センダイムシクイ | Trackback | Comments(0)

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