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Life with Birds 3

2022年 07月 02日

流石は知床!ホテルの部屋からオジロワシを撮影! This is Shiretoko! A white-tailed eagle from a hotel room!

Got a fish?
流石は知床!ホテルの部屋からオジロワシを撮影! This is Shiretoko! A white-tailed eagle from a hotel room!_f0105570_17285259.jpg

A bird? You can see what looks like wings. From the size it may be a spectacled guillemot that floated nearby.
流石は知床!ホテルの部屋からオジロワシを撮影! This is Shiretoko! A white-tailed eagle from a hotel room!_f0105570_17291297.jpg

When I left the hotel and went to the scene, the white-tailed eagle was fighting with a crow.
流石は知床!ホテルの部屋からオジロワシを撮影! This is Shiretoko! A white-tailed eagle from a hotel room!_f0105570_17295012.jpg

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by holi23 | 2022-07-02 17:40 | オジロワシ | Trackback | Comments(0)

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