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Life with Birds 3

2023年 03月 26日

自宅そばのジョウビタキ雄とオニグルミの雄花 Male Daurian redstart and Japanese walnut male flower near my house

It's raining today as well as yesterday, so the photo was taken on the day before yesterday. Is it the same bird as last year? The male walnut flowers were already blooming. I used to see them often after mid-April when chestnut-cheeked starlings came.
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自宅そばのジョウビタキ雄とオニグルミの雄花 Male Daurian redstart and Japanese walnut male flower near my house_f0105570_10454668.jpg

by holi23 | 2023-03-26 10:48 | ジョウビタキ | Trackback | Comments(0)

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