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Life with Birds 3

2023年 06月 01日

筑波山背景にカラスとバトルするマダラチュウヒ! A Pied harrier fighting with a crow in the background of Mt. Tsukuba!

I arrived late on the 22nd, so I couldn't meet him, but he was still there! Thanks to MI-san who called me, I was able to meet an adult male Pied harrier, which was my dream for many years!
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筑波山背景にカラスとバトルするマダラチュウヒ! A Pied harrier fighting with a crow in the background of Mt. Tsukuba!_f0105570_17523753.jpg

by holi23 | 2023-06-01 17:56 | マダラチュウヒ | Trackback | Comments(0)

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