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Life with Birds 3

2023年 06月 12日

台湾遠征報告1: 台湾の国鳥ヤマムスメ Taiwan Tour report 1 Taiwan blue magpie is the National bird of Taiwan


I went on an expedition to Taiwan from June 6th to June 10th. I had taken pictures of birds before going on business trips overseas, but this was my first overseas expedition aimed at just birds.

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台湾遠征報告1: 台湾の国鳥ヤマムスメ Taiwan Tour report 1 Taiwan blue magpie is the National bird of Taiwan_f0105570_15055407.jpg
台湾遠征報告1: 台湾の国鳥ヤマムスメ Taiwan Tour report 1 Taiwan blue magpie is the National bird of Taiwan_f0105570_15185672.jpg

by holi23 | 2023-06-12 15:11 | ヤマムスメ | Trackback | Comments(2)
Commented by 545iX3 at 2023-06-13 00:58
ガイドさん付きですか? 体調大分回復してきたので行ってみたいなと思いますが、当面医者からのOKは出ないでしょうね(笑)
Commented by holi23 at 2023-06-13 16:55

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