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Life with Birds 3

2023年 06月 13日

相模大橋のチョウゲンボウ1羽巣立ちました! First Common Kestrel has left the nest at Sagami Ohashi Bridge!


The mother kestrel flew in to show a grasshopper to the young kestrel, but she didn't give it and flew away. It seemed that she wanted to let the young kestrel practice flying. Finally, the young bird also flew to the Atsugi side.

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相模大橋のチョウゲンボウ1羽巣立ちました! First Common Kestrel has left the nest at Sagami Ohashi Bridge!_f0105570_21321300.jpg
相模大橋のチョウゲンボウ1羽巣立ちました! First Common Kestrel has left the nest at Sagami Ohashi Bridge!_f0105570_21322981.jpg
相模大橋のチョウゲンボウ1羽巣立ちました! First Common Kestrel has left the nest at Sagami Ohashi Bridge!_f0105570_21324795.jpg
相模大橋のチョウゲンボウ1羽巣立ちました! First Common Kestrel has left the nest at Sagami Ohashi Bridge!_f0105570_21350199.jpg
相模大橋のチョウゲンボウ1羽巣立ちました! First Common Kestrel has left the nest at Sagami Ohashi Bridge!_f0105570_21421427.jpg

by holi23 | 2023-06-13 21:32 | チョウゲンボウ | Trackback | Comments(0)

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