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Life with Birds 3

2023年 08月 08日

お市の方とホトトギス Oichi and Lesser cuckoos

『さらぬだに うちぬるほども 夏の夜の 夢路をさそふ ほととぎすかな』

"Although a summer night is so short that there's no time to fall asleep Lesser cuckoos rush us to the other world."
Last poem by Oichi was introduced in NHK historical drama on last Sunday. I learned that Lesser cuckoo has implications of a messenger from the other world. I believe this poem was composed on June 13, 1583, or a few days before, when the Battle of Kitanosho Castle was concluded, so it is certain that Lesser cuckoos were singing very well.

人気blogランキングへ ←一日一回クリックの応援ありがとうございます。

お市の方とホトトギス Oichi and Lesser cuckoos_f0105570_22581222.jpg

by holi23 | 2023-08-08 00:00 | ホトトギス | Trackback | Comments(0)

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