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Life with Birds 3

2023年 08月 15日

鳥の切手シリーズ6: ホオジロ Bird stamp series 6: Singing Meadow bunting


I will post the bird stamps inherited from both fathers in chronological order. Meadow bunting, one of bird series stamps, issued on May 1st, 1964. The issue is in May, so the bunting is singing well. I have taken various patterns of the buntings so far. Partial albinism, cherry blossoms and a bunting, pyracanthas and a bunting, a bathing bunting, snow and a bunting, etc.

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鳥の切手シリーズ6: ホオジロ Bird stamp series 6: Singing Meadow bunting_f0105570_10541619.jpg

by holi23 | 2023-08-15 00:00 | ホオジロ | Trackback | Comments(0)

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