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Life with Birds 3

2023年 08月 21日

鳥の切手シリーズ10: コウテイペンギン Bird stamp series 10: Emperor penguins


I will post the bird stamps inherited from both fathers in chronological order. Today's stamp is the Antarctic Treaty 10th anniversary stamp issued on June 23, 1971. I have seen real emperor penguins at Adventure World in Wakayama Prefecture. Recently, there is an Antarctic tour that the general public can go to, and it seems that we can meet wild emperor penguins, but I probably won't go.

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鳥の切手シリーズ10: コウテイペンギン Bird stamp series 10: Emperor penguins_f0105570_14253316.jpg

by holi23 | 2023-08-21 00:00 | コウテイペンギン | Trackback | Comments(0)

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