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Life with Birds 3

2023年 08月 22日

鳥の切手シリーズ11: 群鶏図 Bird stamp series 11: Rooster


I will post the bird stamps inherited from both fathers in chronological order. Today's stamp is the International Letter Writing Week stamp issued on October 6, 1973. The design is a rooster painted by Ito Jakuchu. The original painting is called Cactus and Fowls, and it is said that it is a fusuma painting that decorates the main hall of Saifuku-ji Temple in Toyonaka City, Osaka.

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鳥の切手シリーズ11: 群鶏図 Bird stamp series 11: Rooster_f0105570_15201909.jpg

by holi23 | 2023-08-22 00:00 | ニワトリ | Trackback | Comments(0)

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