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Life with Birds 3

2023年 08月 29日

久しぶりに自宅ベランダからチョウゲンボウを撮影!  A male Common kestrel from my balcony after a long absence


At the end of August, the birds near my house becomes active little by little. This kestrel liked this place and stayed for about 1 hour and 40 minutes. I wanted to take a picture of it jumping out, but I could not wait and it flew away while I was out.

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久しぶりに自宅ベランダからチョウゲンボウを撮影!  A male Common kestrel from my balcony after a long absence_f0105570_11254651.jpg

by holi23 | 2023-08-29 00:00 | チョウゲンボウ | Trackback | Comments(0)

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