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Life with Birds 3

2023年 09月 26日

自宅そば相模川のミサゴシーズン開幕! Osprey season has begun at the Sagami river near my house!

The background is the Ken-O Expressway. Last year's opening day was October 15th, when fishing for sweetfish was prohibited. This year's osprey dived without worrying about anglers!
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自宅そば相模川のミサゴシーズン開幕! Osprey season has begun at the Sagami river near my house!_f0105570_18064994.jpg
自宅そば相模川のミサゴシーズン開幕! Osprey season has begun at the Sagami river near my house!_f0105570_18123635.jpg

by holi23 | 2023-09-26 00:00 | ミサゴ | Trackback | Comments(0)

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